Painterly Image Harmonization via Bi-Transformation with Dynamic Kernels

Zhangliang Sun (Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University), Hui Zhang (Tsinghua University)
The 35th British Machine Vision Conference


Painterly image harmonization aims to achieve seamless integration of a foreground photographic object and a background painting by matching their complex artistic styles. Previous methods effectively retain foreground content but often fall short of adequately matching the styles such as strokes and patterns between the foreground and background. In this work, we explore the integration of dynamic networks for painterly image harmonization. We propose a novel bi-transformation model that utilizes dynamic kernels in a two-stage process. Through transformations based on dynamic kernels, the foreground and background feature maps can be well aligned to generate a harmonized image. Extensive experiments show that our model can achieve a more harmonized style fusion while retaining finer content.


author    = {Zhangliang Sun and Hui Zhang},
title     = {Painterly Image Harmonization via Bi-Transformation with Dynamic Kernels},
booktitle = {35th British Machine Vision Conference 2024, {BMVC} 2024, Glasgow, UK, November 25-28, 2024},
publisher = {BMVA},
year      = {2024},
url       = {}

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