Unified Compositional Query Machine with Multimodal Consistency for Video-based Human Activity Recognition

Tuyen Tran (Deakin University), Thao Minh Le (Deakin University), Duy Hung Tran (Deakin University), Truyen Tran (Deakin University)
The 35th British Machine Vision Conference


Recognizing human activities in videos is challenging due to the spatio-temporal complexity and context-dependence of human interactions. Prior studies often rely on single input modalities, such as RGB or skeletal data, limiting their ability to exploit the complementary advantages across modalities. Recent studies focus on combining these two modalities using simple feature fusion techniques. However, due to the inherent disparities in representation between these input modalities, designing a unified neural network architecture to effectively leverage their complementary information remains a significant challenge. To address this, we propose a comprehensive multimodal framework for robust video-based human activity recognition. Our key contribution is the introduction of a novel compositional query machine, called COMPUTER (COMPositional hUman-cenTric quERy machine), a generic neural architecture that models the interactions between a human of interest and its surroundings in both space and time. Thanks to its versatile design, COMPUTER can be leveraged to distill distinctive representations for various input modalities. Additionally, we introduce a consistency loss that enforces agreement in prediction between modalities, exploiting the complementary information from multimodal inputs for robust human movement recognition. Through extensive experiments on action localization and group activity recognition tasks, our approach demonstrates superior performance when compared with state-of-the-art methods.


author    = {Tuyen Tran and Thao Minh Le and Duy Hung Tran and Truyen Tran},
title     = {Unified Compositional Query Machine with Multimodal Consistency for Video-based Human Activity Recognition},
booktitle = {35th British Machine Vision Conference 2024, {BMVC} 2024, Glasgow, UK, November 25-28, 2024},
publisher = {BMVA},
year      = {2024},
url       = {https://papers.bmvc2024.org/0426.pdf}

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