CVAM-Pose: Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Multi-Object Monocular Pose Estimation

Jianyu Zhao (University of Central Lancashire), Wei Quan (University of Central Lancashire), Bogdan Matuszewski (University of Central Lancashire)
The 35th British Machine Vision Conference


Estimating rigid objects' poses is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision, with a range of applications across automation and augmented reality. Most existing approaches adopt one network per object class strategy, depend heavily on objects’ 3D models, depth data, and employ a time-consuming iterative refinement, which could be impractical for some applications. This paper presents a novel approach, CVAM-Pose, for multi-object monocular pose estimation that addresses these limitations. The CVAM-Pose method employs a label-embedded conditional variational autoencoder network, to implicitly abstract regularised representations of multiple objects in a single low-dimensional latent space. This autoencoding process uses only images captured by a projective camera and is robust to objects' occlusion and scene clutter. The classes of objects are one-hot encoded and embedded throughout the network. The proposed label-embedded pose regression strategy interprets the learnt latent space representations utilising continuous pose representations. Ablation tests and systematic evaluations demonstrate the scalability and efficiency of the CVAM-Pose method for multi-object scenarios. The proposed CVAM-Pose outperforms competing latent space approaches. For example, it is respectively 25\% and 20\% better than AAE and Multi-Path methods, when evaluated using the $\mathrm{AR_{VSD}}$ metric on the Linemod-Occluded dataset. It also achieves results somewhat comparable to methods reliant on 3D models reported in BOP challenges. Code available:


author    = {Jianyu Zhao and Wei Quan and Bogdan Matuszewski},
title     = {CVAM-Pose: Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Multi-Object Monocular Pose Estimation},
booktitle = {35th British Machine Vision Conference 2024, {BMVC} 2024, Glasgow, UK, November 25-28, 2024},
publisher = {BMVA},
year      = {2024},
url       = {}

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