Sponsoring BMVC2024 is the perfect opportunity to showcase your company's excellent work throughout the conference. As a sponsor, you will be provided with an exhibition stand to promote your business and work, and numerous opportunities will be available to engage with academic and industrial researchers in the field to explore potential future collaborations. We are open to customising the sponsorship package to best suit your needs, e.g. an industrial paper track to demonstrate select BMVC papers and an industrial night to socialise and forge new partnerships.

If you are interested in sponsoring BMVC 2024, please email bmvc@bmvc2024.org. The deadline for expressing interest in sponsoring BMVC is 30th September 2024.

PACKAGE OFFERS PLATINUM + Reception Sponsor £9000 PLATINUM £5000 GOLD £3000 SILVER £2000
Company logo and link on the conference website
Company logo on conference programme
1 Free registration
1 Exhibition stand
1 Additional free registration
Acknowledgment in the opening address
A Young Researcher attendance bursary named after the company
Company names associated with invited talks, tutorials or prizes
Exclusive promotion opportunity at the Welcome Reception