How to NOT get your paper rejected

We invite authors to familiarise with the Author Guidelines before submitting a paper to BMVC. PCs will reject a paper if the paper and authors do not adhere to these.

Abstract and Paper Submission

Abstract and paper submission are handled via OpenReview. The submission portal can be accessed by clicking on the following button, as well as instructions on how to create a profile in Openreview if this is your first time using Openreview. The submission portal will be available from April 2nd, 2024 at 23:59 GMT.

Authors who will use a personal email (e.g. gmail, etc.) to sign up to Openreview for the first time, need to create an Openreview profile asap! This is because it can take up to 2 weeks for profiles using public email services to be activated.

Abstract registration is performed by registering as a user with OpenReview and entering a paper title and abstract. This will result in the allocation of a “paper ID”, which indicates that registration is completed and should be used to prepare the review copy. You can make edits and upload new paper drafts until the final paper deadline. Submitted papers should be prepared according to the published specifications for formatting and style. Please be sure to read both the formatting instructions and the Author Guidelines before submission.

Formatting your paper

A complete paper should be submitted according to the formatting style (please see below under typesetting).

Submitted paper (for review)

Papers submitted for review should be anonymous and instead include the paper ID allocated by OpenReview upon registration of the abstract/paper. The addition of line numbers (automatic in the PDFLaTeX template) should be included to facilitate the review process.

Page limit: A complete paper should be submitted according to the formatting style. The length of papers submitted for review should not exceed NINE pages, excluding the references. All appendices must be supplied as supplementary material, in a separate file to the main paper, and do not count towards the NINE pages limit (see below for instructions about the supplementary material)


Typesetting should be done using the PDFLaTeX system (part of all modern LaTeX distributions). However, submissions prepared in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice may be accepted in exceptional circumstances. Still, it is the authors' responsibility to match their paper to the PDFLaTeX system.

Paper templates, along with example PDF outputs, are available for download through GitHub:

Instructions on how to use the BMVC LaTeX template are described in the file within the repository. To enable review mode in the LaTeX template, the \bmvcreviewcopy{??} command should be used, where ?? is your assigned paper number.

For the camera ready copy, the \bmvcreviewcopy{??} command should be removed. Also, remember to de-anonymise, have the same order and number of authors as stated in the OpenReview submission, and you can add an extra page of content to the camera-ready version of your paper.

Supplementary material

Authors may optionally upload supplementary material, which may include:

Supplementary material should be uploaded as a single ZIP file (up to 100MB) to the OpenReview website.

The authors should appropriately refer to the supplementary material in the paper. Note that reviewers will be encouraged to look at it but are not obligated to do so.

Supplementary material is to be submitted by the supplemental material deadline.