Schedule Mon Tue Wed Thu
Poster 1
Chair: TBC
10:00 - 11:45 15 Sequential Amodal Segmentation via Cumulative Occlusion Learning
16 Region-based Entropy Separation for One-shot Test-Time Adaptation
18 MeTTA: Single-View to 3D Textured Mesh Reconstruction with Test-Time Adaptation
19 Few-shot Multispectral Segmentation with Representations Generated by Reinforcement Learning
22 HDRSplat: Gaussian Splatting for High Dynmaic Range 3D Scene Reconstruction from Raw Images
25 AR-TTA: A Simple Method for Real-World Continual Test-Time Adaptation
26 Improving Depth Gradient Continuity in Transformers: A Comparative Study on Monocular Depth Estimation with CNN
33 Self-Supervised Real-World Denoising by Jointly Learning Visible and Invisible Noise
38 Linear Calibration Approach to Knowledge-free Group Robust Classification
41 Local Implicit Wavelet Transformer for Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution
43 Learning to Segment Publicly Accessible Green Spaces with Visual and Semantic Data
54 InterroGate: Learning to Share, Specialize, and Prune Representations for Multi-task Learning
64 Multi-Modal Information Bottleneck Attribution with Cross-Attention Guidance
66 Noise-Tolerant Few-Shot Unsupervised Adapter for Vision-Language Models
85 Textual Attention RPN for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
101 Interactive Image Segmentation with Temporal Information Augmented
142 Recovering Global Data Distribution Locally in Federated Learning
150 AISE: Adaptive Input Sampling for Explanation of Black-box Models
152 Retinex-Inspired Cooperative Game Through Multi-Level Feature Fusion for Robust, Universal Image Restoration
164 Synthetic-to-Real Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation for 3D Indoor Point Clouds
165 Learning Object Placement via Convolution Scoring Attention
168 Topology-preserving Adversarial Training for Alleviating Natural Accuracy Degradation
203 S³-Match: Common-View Aligned Image Matching via Self-Supervised Keypoint Selection
207 Feature Splatting for Better Novel View Synthesis with Low Overlap
210 BaseBoostDepth: Exploiting Larger Baselines For Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
215 AttEntropy: On the Generalization Ability of Supervised Semantic Segmentation Transformers to New Objects in New Domains
217 GeoFormer: A Multi-Polygon Segmentation Transformer
223 AUPIMO: Redefining Anomaly Localization Benchmarks with High Speed and Low Tolerance
227 Cost-Sensitive Learning for Long-Tail Temporal Action Segmentation
240 SAM Helps SSL: Mask-guided Attention Bias for Self-supervised Learning
249 Transferable Learned Image Compression-Resistant Adversarial Perturbations
250 Deep Unfolding Network with Spatial-spectral Perception Enhanced for Pan-sharpening
256 IncreLM: Incremental 3D Line Mapping
262 Toward Highly Efficient Semantic-Guided Machine Vision for Low-Light Object Detection
267 Depth-Guided Privacy-Preserving Visual Localization Using 3D Sphere Clouds
290 Are Sparse Neural Networks Better Hard Sample Learners?
295 MxT: Mamba x Transformer for Image Inpainting
297 Generalizing Teacher Networks for Effective Knowledge Distillation Across Student Architectures
12 CLIP Adaptation by Intra-Modal Overlap Reduction
77 PT43D: A Probabilistic Transformer for Generating 3D Shapes from Single Highly-Ambiguous RGB Images
304 Interpretable Representation Learning from Videos using Nonlinear Priors
557 Hybrid-CSR: Coupling Explicit and Implicit Reconstruction of Cortical Surface
763 Horospherical Learning with Smart Prototypes
Oral 1
Chair: TBC
11:45 12 CLIP Adaptation by Intra-Modal Overlap Reduction
12:00 77 PT43D: A Probabilistic Transformer for Generating 3D Shapes from Single Highly-Ambiguous RGB Images
12:15 304 Interpretable Representation Learning from Videos using Nonlinear Priors
12:30 557 Hybrid-CSR: Coupling Explicit and Implicit Reconstruction of Cortical Surface
12:45 763 Horospherical Learning with Smart Prototypes
Poster 2
Chair: TBC
14:00 - 15:45 37 DRAFT: Direct Radiance Fields Editing with Composable Operations
39 HFGS: 4D Gaussian Splatting with Emphasis on Spatial and Temporal High-Frequency Components for Endoscopic Scene Reconstruction
45 D³Nav: Data-Driven Driving Agents for Autonomous Vehicles in Unstructured Traffic
46 FFR-UNet: Feature Filter-Refinement UNet for Medical Image Segmentation
60 Advancing Medical Image Segmentation: Morphology-Driven Learning with Diffusion Transformer
100 Painterly Image Harmonization via Bi-Transformation with Dynamic Kernels
166 Syn-to-Real Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Indoor 3D Object Detection
183 Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Scene Graph Generation
185 Motion Avatar: Generate Human and Animal Avatars with Arbitrary Motion
199 A Revisit to the Decoder for Camouflaged Object Detection
263 Improving Object Detection via Local-global Image-translation
319 Annotation by Clicks: A Point-Supervised Contrastive Variance Method for Medical Semantic Segmentation
342 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Tubular Structure Segmentation Across Different Anatomical Sources
365 Cascade Masked Generative Distillation for Dense Prediction Tasks
392 Label Smoothing++: Enhanced Label Regularization for Training Neural Networks
401 Decoupling Forgery Semantics for Generalizable Deepfake Detection
417 Kernel Representation for Dynamic Networks
424 RETRO: Reusing teacher projection head for efficient embedding distillation on Lightweight Models via Self-supervised Learning
472 SAM-EG: Segment Anything Model with Egde Guidance framework for efficient Polyp Segmentation
480 Disparity Estimation Using a Quad-pixel Sensor
500 Future Does Matter: Boosting 3D Object Detection with Temporal Motion Estimation in Point Cloud Sequences
533 TraIL-Det: Transformation-Invariant Local Feature Networks for 3D LiDAR Object Detection with Unsupervised Pre-Training
601 Training-Free Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation with LLM Refinement
622 The Attempt on Combining Three Talents by KD with Enhanced Boundary in Co-salient Object Detection
630 CPDR: Towards Highly-Efficient Salient Object Detection via Crossed Post-decoder Refinement
637 3D Point Cloud Network Pruning: When Some Weights Do not Matter
642 Revitalizing Legacy Video Content: Deinterlacing with Bidirectional Information Propagation
648 3D Blur Kernel on Gaussian Splatting
667 ICAF-4: An Integrated Framework of Category-level Articulated Object Perception and Manipulation for Embodied Intelligence
685 Boundary Contrastive Learning for Label-Efficient Medical Image Segmentation
697 Inverse Rendering of Outdoor Scenes with under Time-variant Illumination
737 Pseudo Labelling for Enhanced Masked Auto Encoders
762 Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning under Compound Distribution Shifts
797 Calibration of 2D LiDAR sensors using cylindrical target
854 CSAD: Unsupervised Component Segmentation for Logical Anomaly Detection
895 Self-Evolving Depth-Supervised 3D Gaussian Splatting from Rendered Stereo Pairs
897 topK dice loss for medical image segmentation
53 NCA-Morph: Medical Image Registration with Neural Cellular Automata
528 SOFI: Multi-Scale Deformable Transformer for Camera Calibration with Enhanced Line Queries
663 Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration with Self-Distillation
729 Reconstructing Spheres by Fitting Planes
779 Outlier detection by ensembling uncertainty with negative objectness
Oral 2
Chair: TBC
15:45 53 NCA-Morph: Medical Image Registration with Neural Cellular Automata
16:00 528 SOFI: Multi-Scale Deformable Transformer for Camera Calibration with Enhanced Line Queries
16:15 663 Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration with Self-Distillation
16:30 729 Reconstructing Spheres by Fitting Planes
16:45 779 Outlier detection by ensembling uncertainty with negative objectness